Thursday, May 8, 2008

Still waiting...

As predicted by my wonderful OB and as expected by me, I am now 1 day past my due date with baby #2. Aiden was 11 days late and I had to be induced so I am not holding my breath that this one will come on his/her own anytime soon.

As much as I would like to meet this little person, I am thoroughly enjoying spending a lot of quality time with my boy. We've had a lot of fun this past week and am really glad we have this time together. Before we know it all of our lives will be changed forever, for the best but changed.

None the less, I am very uncomfortable and am struggling with massive cankles and nausea. I am trying to remain patient and am debating on whether or not to go for a pedicure and massage tomorrow. Who knows when I will be able to do that again?? Also, this is the very last time I will ever be pregnant so I should be savouring every movement and kick I feel now because the end of it is quickly approaching. There is absolutely nothing like feeling your baby move inside you. Knowing that you are providing the safest environment they will ever know. Once they are out in the world they are exposed to so many things that you have no control over.

But still....I am hoping the next post will be introducing Aiden's sibling to the world. Keep those fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Gill said...

Oh my sweet friend!!!! Cankles???
If you were closer you would have the menu at your disposal!! And manicures, pedicures, and massages up the yin yang! Just pour vous!!!

I hope all goes well. Call me if you get the chance on Sunday.
If you are not in the delivery room!!! I miss you!!! xoxoxo
Tell Marc I want a call right away!
ASAP missy!!!