ok...here we go..Most of these photos were not taken this time around but were the best shots to get the feel of it.
Brigus South. This is where my nanny grew up and is not to be confused with the
Brigus in my previous post. In the 60's the town was renamed
Hillsdale to distinguish between the two but when local residents refused to acknowledge the new name it was officially changed back.

This place has one of my favourite views of the Atlantic but very scary cliffs. I remember the first time we brought
Aiden here I was terrified he would fall off and ordered Marc not to let go of his hand. It is stunning though.

Ferryland. This is also one of my favourite spots with more breathtaking scenery. This small town has a rich history with new facts being discovered every year by the archaeological dig that is set up here. We only managed to go to the dinner theatre here this time around so these pics were taken the last trip. It was a perfect day with the sun making diamonds on the water.

There is a short hike up to an old working lighthouse. We sat in silence for almost an hour and watched whales frolicking on the coastline. It was one of those 'Thank god I'm alive moments".

Cape Spear. The most
eastern point in North America (although Alaska and Greenland dispute this). The waves that come crashing in here have been known to carry a man to sea so don't stand too close!

The lighthouse here is the oldest surviving one in Newfoundland and Labrador.

So there you have it. What I have shared with you is only a small part of our many trips home and a teeny tiny fraction of what is to see and enjoy there. Pictures do not do it justice. I am so deeply in love with this island and so very proud to have roots here. To all my readers, go east my friends....GO EAST! You will never forget it and perhaps you too will miss it and yearn to go back as much we do.
Your photos are beautiful Lisa. I really want to go out east, not ever EVER having been out there.
Julian has been many times. I shall bug him to take me there.
I want to retire there. Maybe we could each get a little cottage by the sea and grow old together. Ride bikes with baskets and talk about our grandchildren.
That last comment was me Lisa.
Not my mom!!!!
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