Saturday, January 10, 2009

Even God is a fan of cartoons

The other day as I was on the couch channel surfing (which drives Marc insane)I glanced over at Aiden who was on the other end of the couch. His hands clasped in prayer, eyes closed and his mouth moving silently.

Whatchya doing buddy? I asked.

He looked at me and with a sweetness and honesty that comes from someone who's only had 5 and 1/2 years on this earth said...

I'm praying I get to watch cartoons.

Through tears of laughter I switched to the cartoon Network. With all that is happening in this world, if God was listening to my child's innocent prayer I'm happy to report He has a sense of humour and is a fan of The Smurfs.


Campy said...

I so laughed out loud reading this. That Aiden sure is a character!!

Gill said...

My children would probably pray for the same thing. He is so adorable your boy!

shabby girl said...

How sweet is that!!!