Saturday, February 13, 2010

Un-Valentines Day

Marc and I aren't big fans of V Day. It's too commercialized and expensive. We haven't celebrated Valentines Day in about 15 years....not kidding. When Marc and I started dating we did go out a few time on February 14. We went to dinner and we sat in crowded restaurants eating over priced food. Sometimes he would buy me over priced flowers and we would pay $6 for that Hallmark card that had the 'perfect' sentiment.

I don't need a 'special' day to tell me I'm loved. I know it. It's in the every day things. It's the way I'm greeted at the door when I come home, the way Marc looks at me from across the room, any room at any time. The way he subconsciously reaches for my hand. It is in the arm thrown around me and the spooning in the middle of the night and, yes, it's in the way he randomly gropes me, even when I complain and express my frustration with it. I'm sure I would miss it if he stopped doing it. (Can't believe I'm admitting that).

This is the first Valentines Day in 20 years that I'm alone, as Marc is in Vancouver working for the Olympics. This year is the first in many that I actually bought Marc a Valentine's Day card. One that I went to 3 different card stores for, searching to find one that expresses what I felt. I finally found one that I don't think expresses it enough but was pretty close. So yes, this year I bought into this stupid, waste-of-money, overpriced, commercialized day in hopes that my $6 card shows him that even if he is 2,000 miles away, he is loved.


Unknown said...

There is no card for any amount that can match the feelings I know you and I share. I love you like crazy! Even thought I did most of the talking, I'm so glad I got to hear your voice today.

Love you,

Campy said...

We don't celebrate it either. Everyday for us is Valentine's day (barf eh?). Glad you guys don't buy into either.

Unknown said...

Know what you mean! Shouldn't be just one day.