Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lessons from a 5 year old

We are settled in nicely to the new digs and slowly emerging from the mountain of boxes, furniture and stuff that we have accumulated over many years. The house has lots of room and we are really liking our new neighbours. There is a little boy next to us the same age as Aiden and he speaks very little English and Aiden speaks very little French but yet they manage to play together for hours, both speaking in their first language, neither understanding the words but are communicating beautifully somehow. It is something to behold. These 2 young boys are amazing. They have NO IDEA what the other is saying but are becoming fast friends despite this barrier.

It amazes me that as adults if we could not verbally communicate the interaction we would have would be minimal at best. The language police here in the National Capital Region could learn a lesson or 2 from this, but I digress.

Speaking of 20 year high school reunion is being held in NF this Saturday and am so nervous to see all the old faces. I was trying on different outfits last night asking Marc his opinion with the same ol' questions "does this make my ass look fat? do I look pregnant in this? do my boobs look too big?" It appears that the insecurities I had as an 18 year old still exist. I was fretting in front of the mirror and feeling very stressed about my appearance when my beautiful boy (who I didn't think was paying much attention to what was being said) stops playing his video game, peeks over and says "you are the prettiest mommy EVER!" With a lot of emphasis on the "ever" part.

As a parent it is assumed that I do the teaching and guiding but it is being brought to my attention every day that we have a brilliant life teacher in our family. He's only 4 feet tall, has trouble wiping his own butt and pronouncing the word 'breakfast' but he's teaching us very well.

The outfit has been decided on and am ok with it. It doesn't matter, regardless of what I wear, the best accessory I will carry with me are photos of my 2 babies and as I show them to my old mates I will feel like the most beautiful mommy EVER!!!

Dropping babies and hot sauce

On Monday I took Marissa (aka Miss as Aiden calls her) for a walk in her stroller. Upon our return I was marveling at how happy and quiet she was and went to pick up her car seat (which is part of her stroller) and I instantly thought 'wow, this thing is light'. In a millisecond I realized why. My little 7 week old girl had tumbled out and landed face down on the hard wood floor. I scooped her up to quickly assess the damage that was done. She was screaming, I was crying, Aiden was completely unfazed and continued to take off his shoes and ask for something to eat.

I called TeleHealth and through my tears I managed to tell the nurse the situation. It was quickly determined she was fine, no marks, no blood, no bruising...PHEW. She was smiling and cooing softly before our conversation was over. Thank god that child is made of rubber.

I then proceeded to start dinner, opened the cupboard door and a full bottle of Franks Hot Sauce came hurtling out and smashed all over the floor. Now, for someone who has only ever had linoleum flooring having glass and ceramic meet in such a fashion was quite surprising. Because when I say smashed I mean this bottle was completely obliterated upon impact. I had glass and hot sauce the length of the main floor. I had a few choice words to yell as I felt my blood pressure rise and squeeze whatever area of my brain that controls the number of F bombs you drop when your children are present. It took 20 minutes and a full roll of paper towel to clean up. 2 days later I am still sweeping up small bits of glass.

Shortly after that our neighbour was outside with his little boy and Aiden wanted to go say hi. As he was running across the lawn he was yelling "mommy broke a bottle of red sauce and then said a bad word". I smiled, too tired to explain. Shut the door and then poured myself a glass of wine.