Monday, August 24, 2009

The best gifts

Today I am celebrating my 39th and have never been more excited or hopeful for what is around the corner. I am not afraid of getting older as every year gets better for me. I am never disappointed on my birthday. This year is no different.

I am usually long gone in the morning and rarely get to see my kids as I start my day. Today, Marc woke them both up to be sure I got to see them and hug them before I left. The gifts I received from them are priceless.

A handmade card on pink paper with sweetly drawn flowers and "I love you mommy" written carefully in a black triangle that held all the love in the world. It was taped to the orange juice carton so when I reached for it, as I do every morning, I was sure to see it. A shiny necklace that has beads of every colour on it, red, blue, pink, lime green, blue and purple. It was hand picked by the sweetest boy in the world. I am proudly displaying it around my neck and don't ever want to take it off. Every bead worth more to me than all the diamonds in the world.

A big hug from a sleepy little girl. You know the kind only a baby can give. Her little arms held tightly around my neck and her beautiful head with the softest hair rested on my shoulder and snuggled into me. This moment was followed up by a sloppy, drooly kiss from her. It was a perfect moment and tears silently slid down my cheek as I was completely wrapped up in it.

But the best birthday gift I am getting this year is from my mom and dad. After years of living more than 2 hours outside the city they are selling their house and making their way back to us. Back to their grandchildren and children who love and miss them so much. Unfortunately, today's responsibilities and pressures of life don't allow us to travel to see each other very often. I know this decision wasn't easy for them. They have to sell their beautiful country home that they poured themselves into over the past 10 years and are now stressed about finding a new one.

But my kids and my niece and nephews will now have an opportunity to bond more closely with the 2 people who gave life to 3 and who are the proud grandparents of 7. My camera and my heart will now hold more pictures of them playing with their grandchildren. Snapshots of every memory made of time spent with them. I can't wait to have them closer. Thank you mom and dad...this is truly the best gift.


Friday, August 21, 2009

A cheerful heart is medicine for the soul

Marc and I are going on a date tonight. Dinner and a movie. Marc said he is going to let me pick the movie...any one I wanted which NEVER happens...EVER. Our choices in films differs somewhat and he says I have a history of choosing bad ones. As I was going through the listings this is what transpired.

Marc - Have you seen the trailer for Inglorious Bastards?

Lisa - Nope. Hey I heard The Ugly Truth was really funny.


Marc (leaning in to me and whispering very softly) - Bruno..? (side note: I know this one is supposed to be funny but this type of humour doesn't appeal to me in the slightest.)

Lisa (ignoring the not so subtle hint) - What about Julie and Julia...I would love to see this one.

Marc snickers.

Lisa (slightly annoyed) I thought you said I could pick the movie??

Marc - You're right, you're right. Go ahead and choose and I will go to whatever you want.

Lisa - hmmm, I feel like laughing, don't you? What about Funny People?

Marc - It didn't get good reviews. GI Joe?

Pause. Silence.

Marc - Let's just watch the trailer to Inglorious Bastards and then you can decide.

I watch. Admittedly, it does look fantastic. Brad Pitt is just beyond talented. He still looks fantastic and is a brilliant actor but it's just not what I'm in the mood for.

Lisa - Marc, I just feel like laughing. I don't want death and blood.

Marc - Well, I heard District 9 was pretty good. Let's watch the trailer for that.

We watch it. Again, I admit it does look pretty good but there is absolutely nothing funny about it.

Lisa - I don't feel like thinking too much. I just want to watch a silly-not-thinking-or-feeling-too-much-movie. Didn't you say I could choose?

Marc - Oh yeah, the library called. That book you wanted to read is in. 50 Dead Men Walking? Let's watch the trailer to that.

We start watching it and thankfully we are interrupted by dinner time and a fussy baby. I am going to read that book and watch the film as the storyline fascinates me but I am just not in the mood for this kind of movie today.

Later, I sat on the bottom of the stairs and looked at Marc and suggested The Hangover. Thankfully he agreed, although I know he would rather not.

It has been an odd summer. Full of love and fantastic memories and fun times but also of tragedy and sadness. A colleague who lost a baby in the most heartbreaking way. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her and hope she is finding a way to heal her heart. A brother who lost one of his friends to suicide. My heart broke knowing his intense sadness and even more so for the mom and dad who had to bury their son. A special and wonderul family member who was diagnosed with an illness that is painful and unfortunately no cure.

These are my reasons for choosing the movie I did. I want to laugh out loud until tears run down my face. I don't want to think or feel sad or watch a movie full of death and that leaves you feeling hopeless. I want to laugh and feed my heart with nothing but happiness today. May all of you have a day full of the same.

EDIT: I cannot tell you how happy it made me when I just discovered my favourite childrens story of all time, Where The Wild Things Are, is coming to the big screen in October! I watched this trailer and cried...tears of happiness of course. I simply cannot wait!!

UPDATE: OK, so we never made it to The Hangover as it wasn't playing at a time that was good for us (our life with children and babysitters) so I ended up choosing Inglorious Basterds. In one word: FAN-TARANTINO-TASTIC!! I still managed to laugh out loud several times. Despite Quentin's reputation for violence he also has one for humour. I loved it. LOVED it. Thanks for dropping all those not so subtle hints my love. You are still the king when it comes to choosing movies.