Sunday, April 27, 2008

What the hell does that mean?

A few people have asked me what the name of my blog means. It is Gaelic for "Redheads Forever"

As a child and on to my teen years I hated my red hair. I had always wanted a smooth flawless complexion free of freckles and one that tanned easily in the summer time. My mom always made a point of telling me how special and different I was, although as a young girl I only wanted to fit in with the sea of blonde and brunette girls in my school. I now understand what she meant.

As an adult, I love being a redhead. I love sticking out of the crowd and being different. I am constantly complemented on it (which helps ease the memories of being teased about it years ago) and other women pay a lot of money to get the colour and tone I have. Lucky for me, the first thing that attracted my husband to me was my hair. He loves redheads, mainly because they are different and perhaps a little mysterious.

I am sad when I look in the mirror and see the grey, knowing that one day my red will come from a bottle or will be completely grey, blending in with all the other grey hairs on seniors day at Wal-Mart, no longer standing out. And studies have shown that the gene that causes red hair is dying and that in another 100 years there will be no redheads left. I guess that makes me pretty damn special.

Some little known facts about us ginger haired peeps: In Denmark it is considered an honour to have a child with red hair. Ancient Greeks died their hair red to show courage. And my personal favourite, according to research, blondes may have more fun but redheads have more sex! This research shows that the fiery redhead certainly lives up to her reputation. You can buy t-shirts strictly for redheads and we were the favourite subject of 19th century British artists.

I believe now that I would be a completely different person had I been born with blonde or brown hair. I am very thankful that I was blessed with this hair colour. Red Heads forever!!

"Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall in love with a gorgeous redhead!"
-Lucille Ball

Q: Why didn't Indians scalp redheads??
A. They knew better.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bad "Mood" Rising

Bad moods suck!!! I am in another rotten mood again today. I can’t quite put my finger on why. But here’s a list of possible reasons:
1. The extra 40lbs I’m lugging around
2. I am having some severe ‘plumbing’ issues
3. I am being bent over by CMHC and their ridiculous mortgage insurance rates
4.Lack of a good night’s sleep for 3 weeks in a row
5. The approaching full moon
6. I miss wine
7. I am retaining water and have sausage toes

I’ve got to snap out of this….

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Little Wonders

It's picture day at school and my little guy was looking very handsome in his shirt and tie and spiked hair.

The morning was rushed, as usual, and my patience was being tested with so much going on in our lives. A new baby 3 weeks away from making an appearance, a house that is almost sold and one that is almost bought and the never ending foul mood and nausea I seem to be fighting these days.

I was trying to rush Aiden out the door with the daily rant of “mommy is going to be late for work” and me fully expecting him to understand the responsibilities adults have. He was his usual pokey self and my frustration was building. I was hurrying him to the car when he stopped and said, “Look mommy a birdie” I was so intent on getting him and the 3 bags I had in my hand in the car I almost missed it. The look of sheer joy on my little boys face as he watched a robin hopping along our driveway. In an instant my mood shifted and I just stood and soaked in the moment as he chatted away happily to this bird and was whispering ‘it’s ok, I wont’ hurt you’ hoping that the robin would come over to him for a quick scratch behind the wing.

I silently thanked God for flying this bird into our lives on a gorgeous spring morning. I needed Him to get my attention and to remind me of what a gift my sweet little boy is. A few minutes later the bird flew away in search for his breakfast no doubt. Aiden happily jumped in the car and off we went to start our day. Me in a much better mood and Aiden? Well, he had shifted his attention to a song on the radio and asked me to turn it up. He said "this is the song from that movie, remember mommy?" The song was Little Wonders by Rob Thomas from Meet the Robinsons. Yes, the universe was speaking to me this morning.

The girls swooned when he walked into his daycare shortly after. “Look, Aiden has a tie on. He looks like he’s going to marry someone” shouted one gorgeous little blond girl.

One day he will grow up, perhaps get married and have children of his own and these moments for me will be a faded memory. Today I am going to hold on to it as long as I can.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Marc!

Happy Birthday Marc!
Today my husband, Marc, turns 38. Out of those 38 I have loved him for about 18, that’s almost half his life (and mine)!

If I had to describe Marc in one word it would have to be “incredible’. He excels at anything he does, when he shows a true interest in it, whether it be work, guitar, sports or ski patrolling.

He is a true beer connoisseur, tempting his beer loving taste buds with a new or strange brew from every corner of the world is one of his favourite things to do. One of his many dreams is to open a micro brewery. Not a doubt in my mind that he would excel in that if given the chance.

He is a contented man when his beer glass is full and his Senators are winning, so easy to please.

He loves good wine and good food. He has an open mind when it comes to both.

He has a passion for movies and music. He loves his guitars and although he's only been playing for 1 and 1/2 years he has excelled in that as well. In another life he will likely be a movie critic or a rock star.

He is an excellent cook. There is nothing he’s made in the kitchen that I haven’t loved to eat.

He loves his friends, especially the ones he’s had since his wild and crazy youth. He is like a little kid when the first weekend in August roles around. This is Navan Fair and it is like a mini high school reunion every year. Marc and his friends plan this weekend like it’s a life event.

He loves his family, as most men should. To him family is what is most important in this life and strives to remain as close to them as possible. He has embraced my family as his own and truly loves them too.

He is an incredible father, loving his little boy, who is so much like him, with such passion it amazes me at times. Patient, gentle and kind, taking the time to play with him every day; he hugs and kisses him as often as he can. The words ‘I love you’ slide easily off his tongue when telling it to his baby boy. He feels no shame or embarrassment when doing so, as some fathers would. Yelling it to him down the street some mornings as he walks to the bus stop, not caring who hears. His pride for his son is not something he can contain, nor does he feel he should. I love him more for it.

Marc is the most amazing husband any woman could have, loving, giving, and caring. He is incredibly loyal to me and so dependable that he makes me feel like the luckiest woman on earth every single day.

He is sexy as hell and our time together is never dull. I have not grown tired of kissing this man in the 18 years we’ve been together; he is one of the best. I hope that never changes. He makes me feel loved and beautiful when I am beating myself up over some perceived physical or personality flaw. Loving me despite (or for?) my imperfections.

He is incredibly funny and instantly liked by others when they meet him. He sat across from me on our first official date and made me laugh so much my sides hurt. I instantly knew I had to keep this guy in my life, no one had made me laugh like that before. His humour and his way with words have gotten him out of the most precarious situations.

He wants to make a difference in this world. He is striving to do that through his work and through his son. And he will, remember he excels at everything he does.

I love and appreciate him so much that sometimes it is hard to express that depth in words. I hope he knows it.

Happy birthday my love.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Don't judge this book by it's cover

Anyone who knows me knows that I love to read. When I was pregnant with my first I turned all my reading attention to parenting books. I furiously gathered books that had anything to do with pregnancy and raising babies, sleeping, discipline, survival the first year…you name it, I was probably reading it. I was a walking ‘How-to-be-a-parent’ library. I was terrified of being under-prepared, so naturally, I over-prepared.

With this pregnancy, I haven’t read much of anything except maybe a few easy read fiction novels or some nutrition labels. Whenever I find myself face to face with some major 4-year-old dilemma, I often think, I’d probably handle this better if I’d just read a book on it. And then I google it and read up on how to handle it the next time. Kicking myself in the arse for the way I originally handled it.

Last night I came across an old parenting book and started skimming the pages and in an instant I became a "I am so prepared for this baby" mother to a "Holy sweet mother of God, how the hell am I going to do this" mother. All the old insecurities I felt 5 years ago came rushing back.

Would my children hate me later in life for the way I handled a temper tantrum? Or what about that time I let him/her cry it out? (Although that only lasted mere minutes). Will they end up on a psychiatrists couch as an adult because I let them sleep in the bed with us? Will they judge me forever and a day for putting them in daycare at such a young age? OMG, I thought, I am going to fail as a parent!! I may as well just throw in the towel now... I over reacted (surprise, surprise). Nothing beats you down & builds you back up quite like being a mom (or a dad) does. Children don't come with an instruction manual and maybe I’d be better off if I stopped looking for one.